Our Commitment to Safety

At Hespeler Village Neighbourhood Association, your safety is our top priority. We are dedicated to ensuring that you can enjoy your favorite recreational activities in a secure and supportive environment.

To protect the well-being of our participants, volunteers, and staff, we have implemented the following safety measures:


  • Our staff will not report to work if they are experiencing symptoms of any illness, no matter how minor.
  • We have provided all staff with access to personal protective equipment (PPE), including face masks, hand sanitizer, and gloves, should they require it.

Your safety and enjoyment are our mission, and we are here to make every experience a positive one.


  • We ask that participants stay home if they are experiencing symptoms of any illness, no matter how minor.
  • If a participant develops symptoms while attending a program, they will be isolated with a staff member or volunteer, and an emergency contact will be contacted immediately for pick-up.
  • If a sibling of an affected participant is asymptomatic (no symptoms present), they are still permitted to attend our programs.
  • Those considered high-risk contacts will be contacted by the Region of Waterloo Public Health and provided with instructions on the next steps.
  • We have provided all participants with access to personal protective equipment (PPE) such as face masks, hand sanitizer, and gloves, should they require it.
  • While face coverings are not required outdoors, participants are encouraged to have one available should physical distancing become challenging (e.g., when first aid is needed).

These measures are in place to help protect everyone and ensure a safe, enjoyable experience for all.


Our Program Location & Safety Measures

Currently, our programs are being facilitated at The Hespeler Arena in Beehive Hall. To ensure a safe environment for all, we are taking the following measures:

  • All indoor program spaces are thoroughly vacuumed and mopped, and all hard surfaces are sanitized and disinfected before and after each program.
  • Frequent touchpoints are sanitized by staff upon entry and exit of the space.
  • We have limited registration numbers for many of our programs to adhere to physical distancing guidelines and room capacities.
  • To further minimize the number of people in our space, we are currently only accepting scheduled visits by community members.

These measures help us create a safe and comfortable space for everyone.